Last week, on my birthday blog, I answered 37 questions about me.

Number 11 said, "Have I ever met one of my heroes? If yes, who was it, and how did it go?". My answer was Evan Carmichael.

If you don't know Evan and his #BelieveNation, read on.

Evan Carmichael is one of my absolute favorite thought leaders and entrepreneurs. He runs a YouTube channel for entrepreneurs with 2.56 million subscribers and 300 million views, has written 4 books, and speaks globally. Right now, I am reading his latest book Built to Serve. I met him a year ago in an entrepreneur meetup and it was a great experience.

Found Evan around the same time I discovered that Youtube was a deep sea of knowledge.

Before coming to the US, I thought it was only for music videos.

I know, shame on me.

I was a Netflix kind-of-person, but one day, I discovered Evan Carmichael's channel. His #toptenrulesofsuccess changed my life. As a thought leader, he also led me to find other thought leaders that helped shape me.

I started to spend my time consuming knowledge. Valuetainment!




Then, I decided to find my something, my one word, my purpose in life.

As a result of this process:

- I hone my photography every single day - I discovered that my #oneword is INSPIRE

- I try to make progress every day.

That's what drives me.

Last year, I knew he was having a meetup in Miami, so I had to meet him to thank him in person for the impact he's had on me. Btw, he is so much taller in person! Also, I had the opportunity to attend the meetup with Norge Matos, from Utility Avenue and meet incredible entrepreneurs, like Alan and Kevin, from the HyperConscious Podcast.

It's great to meet in the flesh the people you admire and follow. Especially to discover they are even more inspiring when they are in front of you!

AND, I even had the opportunity to photograph him, and he shared my images!

If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, follow Evan for valuetainment.

This is THE BEST!

Evan Carmichael

Entrepreneur Meetup in Miami