In March, we celebrate Women's History Month. It's a special time to honor their significant contributions to society. But let's also recognize and support women entrepreneurs for the rest of the year.

Women-owned businesses are a vital part of the global economy, creating jobs and driving innovation. However, they face challenges like gender bias, lack of access to funding, and limited networking opportunities.

Supporting women-owned businesses is essential to achieving gender equality and creating a more inclusive and diverse economy. Here are some ways to empower them and take their businesses to the next level.

... and while you are on it, check on some of the amazing women I have had the pleasure to meet and photograph.

Jen Fisher, bestselling author of Work Better Together, Life-Work Integration Editor-At-Large for Thrive Global, host of the WorkWell podcast, and a Chief Well-being Officer.

Collage HairStudio

Shop at Women-Owned Businesses

One of the simplest and most effective ways to support women-owned businesses is to shop from them. When you buy their products or services, you directly contribute to their success. You could buy a gift at a local boutique or hire a woman-owned contractor for your home renovation project.


Veranda Plants and Gifts

Spread the Word

Word-of-mouth can be especially helpful for women-owned businesses that may not have the same level of visibility as larger, more established businesses. If you know of a great women-owned business, spread the word by telling your friends and family or sharing their information on social media.

Suraia Patricia Interiors

Invest in Women-Owned Businesses

Investing in women-owned businesses can be a great way to support them if you have the financial means. Many investment opportunities focus specifically on women-led or women-owned businesses, including crowdfunding platforms, venture capital firms, and angel investor networks.

Eshe Moncrieffe, Miami Real Producers

Jennifer Flores, from Across The Globe Travel Agency

Kesi Case, from Linked by Design

Provide Mentorship and Support

Women-owned businesses may face unique challenges and obstacles. You could offer your services as a consultant or volunteer as a mentor.

Nguyen Sabanilla, from Contact Link #businessmatchmakingmadesimple

Dr Lisa Arango, Relationship Coach

Advocate for Policy Changes

Many policies can impact the success of women-owned businesses, such as access to capital, tax incentives, and workplace policies. By advocating for policies that support women-owned businesses, you can help promote gender equality.

Vanessa Torres, Copywriter

Attend Women-Owned Business Events

Attending events hosted by women-owned businesses or organizations can be a great way to show your support and learn. Many women-owned business events also provide opportunities for networking, which can be valuable for business owners and supporters.

Janet, Informatics Engineer

Supporting women-owned businesses is essential to create a more diverse and equitable economy. How can you empower women entrepreneurs and promote gender equality? Let's recap:

  • shop at women-owned businesses,
  • spread the word,
  • invest in women-owned businesses,
  • provide mentorship and support,
  • advocate for policy changes,
  • attend women-owned business events,
  • volunteer your time or services.

I hope this article has provided valuable insights and strategies to support women-owned businesses.

Annie Vazquez, The Fashion Poet


Q: What is a women-owned business?

A women-owned business is at least 51% owned, operated, and controlled by women.

Q: Why is it essential to support women-owned businesses?

Supporting women-owned businesses helps promote gender equality, creates jobs, and drives economic growth.

Q: What are the challenges faced by women-owned businesses?

Women-owned businesses face challenges such as gender bias, limited access to funding, and a lack of networking opportunities.